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The URI rcmobile worked for the Ring Central Phone app but does not work for the RC App. Since the RC Phone app is being retired and replaced by the RC App, this rcmobile URI needs to be updated to work correctly with the RC App. This is a critical problem that needs to be addressed. This rcmobile URI allows for third-party apps to call out using Ring Central. This is a big deal.

Here is the Ring Central link:

Here is the Cloze link that describes the same code/line that needs to work with the RC App:

These two lines of code need to work with the RC App STAT!

Making phone calls:
Texting: rcmobile://sms?number={value}&type=new

Hey Nicholas, 

I would post this over on our Developers Community
OK, I did.
This function is critical.  I could not agree more with Nicholas.
