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Phone is on a reboot loop

Your question really has no question to it. It seems like a statement. Can you be a lot more specific as to what your problem is? It would be great if you were to include any and all error messages you receive and a basic statement as to what you would like to do with your RingCentral system, what you are doing and the result you are getting that doesn't seem to be working as you would hope it would.

It is also helpful to tell us which equipment you are using, for example, the mobile phone app (Android / iPhone), the Windows App, Glip, a desk phone (make and model), etc.. It would also be helpful if we knew which RingCentral Office plan you are on.

One or more of us would be more than happy to assist you then.

I have a Ring Central Polycom desktop phone, Model: VVX410.

It is stuck in a reboot loop as follows:
Polycom logo, Autoboot countdown, Uploading 1 of 1 core files, Updating firmware (on this screen for short time), Starting Application, Initializing device, loop starts again.

This phone has worked in the past and was placed at a port that works with other desktop phones. Polycom said it was a configuration issue that Ring Central handles.

That's an issue that support will definitely have to look into. These are Community Forums. Have you tried setting up a support case or contact support by phone? (they may have to re-provision your phone)

By Phone: 1-888-898-4591 (within the United States)

I know this is an old question, but I have the answer. I would be willing to bet the firmware on the phone is the latest firmware. The problem is that RingCentral is slow to catch up with firmware updates. You may have to go to the phone in a browser using its ip address. Then go to Utilities/Software Upgrade check for Updates and then ask for all available versions of firmware. Pick the one RingCentral says is the latest version supported. Example Polycom IP 6000 runs on a version about 5 upgrades back. The browser will ask if you really want to downgrade. Say yes and goodbye to Boot Loops.
