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I have a user that has a few speed dials setup on his phone. However, for one of his contacts, if that contact receives a call, his phone will ring too. I've looked everywhere for a setting but can't find how to turn that off. What is the secret? Thanks.

Hi @Robert Wingerter, is this contact one of the account users?

Please check on the KB article below and follow instructions until No. 12. You need to disable "Enable me to pick up a monitored line on hold".

"Ring my phone" was not selected. I enabled, saved, disabled, saved. System never asked me to reboot phone, but I unplugged the phone (network and power), waited 30 seconds, plugged it back in and same result.

sitting at user's desk and does not matter what the setting is in "presence" -- checked or unchecked for "Ring my phone when any user I am monitoring rings " . phone does reboot and restart when changing settings.

that was the first thing checked on both user phones. Neither have forwarding.

Thank you for trying! I thought I was missing something.

Your user has likely set a ring tone under Settings -> Basic -> Ring Type -> Attendant Calls. If there's anything other than "silent ring" set for Attendant Calls, any presence line will ring with that tone.

It was a system bug - and fixed in the last Polycom Update.

Great to hear, @Robert Wingerter!
