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Hello @ringcentral team, is there a way to return a private-parked caller back to whoever parked them? This would be particularly useful if nobody picks up the park after a certain amount of time goes by. A customer is requesting this as a feature update for ACO.

Thank You

Codte, kindly share your feature request in our Ideas Portal at

I have just spent some time with your support person to see if there was any way to make this happen. Apparently, there is a 5min default callback when calls are put on a Public park, but not for Private parks. We have had problems with parked calls being missed and left on hold for excessive amounts of time, and nobody is made aware of the problem until the client calls back pissed off. This option is as necessary for Private parks as it is for Public parks, can this be corrected?

@Randy 122 I can see a feature request is there in idea portal with similar requirement

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