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I curranty have a ring central account and I use the window desktop App to bulk text my customers invitation to join our service list. I am aware that ring central will require all ring central users to register the phone number with the Registry. Will the Desktop Text feature continue to work the same. I am able to bulk text and blind copy my clients 10 at a time . Will Ring Central continue to support this app or will you for me to migrate over to your enhance texting program?

The good news is that doing TCR registration will not impact the functionality of the app or your existing services outside of possible rate limit changes (or how many and how quickly you can send SMS, depending on the trust score assigned to your business and campaign type selected). For most customers, any rate limit changes will not be noticeable.

TCR registration really just allows the carriers to know which numbers are yours, how you are using SMS, and how trustworthy your messages are on their network. It also helps them identify any malicious activity, and help prevent malicious actors from pretending to be your business.

Most customers will see no noticeable change to their service whatsoever, outside of seeing even greater message delivery/ less messages being marked as spam by the carriers.
