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I am the receptionist for our company using a Yealink phone in conjunction with the RC desktop app. We have always used warm transfers. A call comes in on the general line asking for User 1. I hit the transfer key and then User 1's extension. I can hear it ring. If User 1 does not pick up and the voicemail begins, I end the transfer and speak to the caller. I alert the caller to the fact that I will transfer them to voicemail (since they have the option to speak to another rep). Here is the problem: When I begin the second transfer by hitting the transfer hot key, the caller is immediately transferred into what seems to be dead space or they are transferred to User 1's voicemail without the announcement resulting in a long voicemail with just background noise or conversation. Is this a setting issue or user error? Thank you!

Hi @Stephanie ONeill, I'm working on your concern, and will get back to you.

@Stephanie ONeill The issue needs to investigate your call examples and your configuration. We suggest that you submit a Support ticket for this.

I called into Ring Central support. With the Yealink phones, I have to put the caller on hold first before I call another extension. I have had no issues with recall after I added that step. This is different than the old phone system we had.

Thanks Stephanie, does it mean you're all good now?
