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I am looking to setup what I would consider a simple partial call automation on incoming calls to our main company number. To put it simply, Monday-Friday from 8:00AM to 5:00PM when our secretary is online (not in DND) all calls will be handled manually by her (i.e. my current setup). I just want to add when she is offline (Lunch, Vacation Day, Sick day, etc) and on DND then the main line calls will go through 1 level of automation. So when she is offline any incoming callers hear "Welcome, press 1 for Customer Support, 2 for Technical, 3 for All other calls, or 4 for the company directory". We already have the call groups setup and working when the secretary vets the call she manually forwards the call to the appropriate group (Customer Support or Technical). All I want to do is know how to setup when she is on DND and the incoming caller hears the automation option and can choose to go to the groups by choosing 1, 2, 3, or Directory. I cannot see where to set this up in RC admin console. Any help appreciated.

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