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SMS is still not working for new requests/numbers. I have two tickets opened and neither are being updated with any type of response from RingCentral Support. We are being billed for SMS but it is not working. We submitted the appropriate TCR forms well over a month ago and I confirmed with RingCentral last month that the form was received. This TCR rollout has been an absolute nightmare and the support we have received has been even worse. Regretting that we ever moved our phone system over to RingCentral.

@Jordan Kalber I am working with our TCR Program Managers to identify the status of your registration. More info as soon as I get an update.

What an absolute nightmare, paying for a service that we can't even utilize. I keep being told the TCR process can take 20-30 business days. IT HAS BEEN 31 BUSINESS DAYS SINCE WE SUBMITTED THIS FREAKING REQUEST. Absolutely ZERO support.

Same problem here. I submitted the form January 30, 2023 and SMS still doesn't work.

I am the only one in my team that can't send text messages; my phone number is not new plus I'm the ADMIN!.

No updates from support.

The funny thing about all of this is we don't even send campaigns, we use TextUs for that. We just send 1to1 text messages in RingCentral to our clients/prospects. We are waiting for campaign forms to be "approved" that we won't even be using.

We do not use campaigns either. Just 1-to-1 texts. But, this is broken before the 3/31 deadline, so something has gone amiss with RingCentral. I do not know if this is really about campaigns. How would I? Nobody is telling me anything.

Agree! it's confusing.

We have a similar problem but not identical.
We got approved last year but our Enhanced Business SMS has not been added to our Admin Portal (should be under the Phone System). Half of our staff can text most weeks but the other half cannot text at all. I've been dealing with this since November (5 months). Now it;'s down to the wire before all SMS users will get locked out because of an option that I don't even have access to. Even my account manager is confused.
