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Wanted to remove the Silent message since not all of the customer are leaving voicemail their just staying on the line. For Example, Lisa called me on my phone number, she didnt really leave me a voicemail she just stayed on the line for 5 secs and hungs up, upon receiving my email notification, when i play the recording its just a silence on the line for the voicemail and theres really nothing in there. So if possible can we remove the Silence on the line and just play the message if there was really a message on the voicemail.

Hi Arra, 

This isn't a functionality right now. You'll still have to manually ignore or delete any blank voicemails. 

You are lucky, mine are all like 50 seconds long. At least 90% of my voicemails are like this. I can't believe that this many people accidentally had the mute on their headsets turned on. There must be something wrong. This has started since I stopped using RingCentral phone and started using the RingCentral app.

@Jessica-Community_Moderator Could you please report this issue as a current, urgent problem? Several people have tried leaving us voicemails and the voicemails are EMPTY, totally silent. I submitted a support case. Given that @homer-jones had the same issue a couple of weeks ago when we first had this problem, it seems to be a critical Ring Central issue.

I submitted an example of the silent / blank voicemail with our case.
