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Warm Transfer - Agent still showing On-Call until all parties hang up

  • 12 March 2019
  • 2 replies

We are seeing an issue where if someone in a group does a Warm Transfer to an external number, completes the call and hands it off, they're still showing as On-Call in the group queue until the original caller and the person our agent transferred to hang up. I don't see a way to get this to stop and it only happens with external Warm Transfers. Internal to Ring Central transfers are not affected by this issue and the agent goes Unavailable for the preset time, then back to Available.

I would like to know if there is a way to stop this from happening when transferring a call to an external number.

Hey Randy, that seems like really odd behavior. Please contact Support so that they can gather Call Samples and investigate.
Ok, so this is a goofy issue with how Live Reports work. What happens is this. When you Warm Transfer a call out and hang up, you errantly show in Live Reports as On Call, but in the Queue, if you click on the down arrow by Operation you'll see you're Available. What's happening is the Live Report status is showing the back channel call that's still in progress and that the originating Agent is still on the Call.. That's not correct, the Queue shows the proper status of Available. 

It's not really a Live Report lag as the status updates within moments of all parties ending the call and the agent will show as Available again there as well. 

Just note this for anyone else seeing this issue. Live Reports is just showing that the handed off call is still in progress in the background -- but your Agent is Available so long as the Queue shows them as Available.
