@JFaelago I don’t know if I can say anything has been “resolved.” What I have learned about Bullhorn Analytics is that it is not quite there yet as a product to let Bullhorn users create custom reports and dashboards. So my ability to play with the product with customers has been very limited.
But here is a way I saw a RingCentral customer using Bullhorn Analytics and RingCentral.
Utilizing App Connect’s ability to specify a custom “Note action” that is used exclusively by App Connect - meaning only App Connect has the ability to create this note type, the customer was able to generate reports showing how many notes were created in their company - each note being a proxy for a phone call.
In the same company they asked recruiters to log their notes taken during manually during the call using a different note action. In practice this means for any given phone call there could be one or two notes. One note would always be present - this is the one logged by App Connect. A second note would capture the user’s handwritten notes.
This did not provide a perfect analytics solution, but it allowed them to capture data in such a way that reports could be generated more reliably.
We are going to continue to explore Bullhorn Analytics and look for ways to better integrate with it in the future.