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  • Known Participant
  • 105 replies

The Send SMS API allows you to send SMS from the RC number that you have logged in as. Here are the typical scenarios for from and to numbers.

"From Numbers

Case 1: Main Extension number

When you are logged in as the Main Extension Number ( Ext 101 ) the message would be sent from Ext 101 to the to number

Case 2: Other Extensions

When you have an extension with both a Digital Line and a Direct number and you are logged in using either of them. A message would be sent from the number that you use as the From number ( digital / direct )

To Numbers

The To numbers could be either:

  • PSTN
  • RC Number ( Main Number / Extension / )

Text Message size restrictions:

We support up to 1000 characters for the text message.

Short Codes:

Currently we do not support Short Codes for the extension numbers.

7 replies

We will support up to 1000 characters in both inbound and outbound SMS by the end of Aug.

Great, thank you for all of the answers!

Can we receive messages and, if so, how can we receive messages via the API? For example, we would like to receive texts in and have our software pick those up. Maybe via a web hook or something similar? Any information is appreciated.

  • New Participant
  • 2 replies
  • January 7, 2016
Is there a way for an extension to be given permission to text from another extension's number? For instance we would like to send text's out to clients as if from an individual sales person, but without the sales people having to go through any sort of flow. (This would be automated, like emails).

Not seeing a clear cut way to do that without having all of my sales people having to go through an oauth workflow to give permission?

  • 0 replies
  • January 7, 2016
No. There is no way that you would be able to send a text from another extension without authorizing as that extension(privacy issue)

  • New Participant
  • 1 reply
  • March 23, 2016
I have created a number under the extension I connect to with the API for sending SMS messages. The messages seem to be sent (I get response 200) but in testing sending to my cellphone I never get the messages. This worked in the sandbox but it isn't working in production.

  • Author
  • Known Participant
  • 105 replies
  • March 24, 2016
Could you open a case with our Developer Support team addressing the issue:

Based on Chris's question "Can we receive messages and, if so, how can we receive messages via the API? "

Yes, the sms content can be captured with the API /restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/~/message-store/<message id>/content/<attachment id>

All you need to do is to provide the exact message id and the attachment id related to the message


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