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in LOB, What is the difference between Users Calls Performance Data and Users Calls Response

  • October 20, 2022
  • 2 replies

Inside LOB, I see two default widgets: Users Calls Performance Data and Users Calls Response. This is confusing because shouldn't the Total Calls,

Answered and Not Answered be the same on both widgets? If not, what are the differences

between the two widgets?



2 replies

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  • 37 replies
  • October 20, 2022

There are no differences between the widgets. It's just some default preset widgets made as example. If you click on the 3 dots in the top right corner and Edit you can customize all the KPIs and name them whatever you want.
Imo the benefit of LOB Analytics is exactly this - the customizability :D. So i would just delete the preset widgets and build my own from scratch, with all the KPIs that are of interest to me.
Also resizing it to width 4 will almost certainly make your table nicer to look at. Height 4 is also good if you have a lot of users in a table.

So to summarize, they are both table widgets, meaning they draw the same data and use the same formulas. They have slightly different KPIs by default, but that can be edited. If you need any help with building a widget to your needs you can ask here ;D I'll try to help you.

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  • New Participant
  • 1 reply
  • October 21, 2022

First of all, I'm a sap for romantic movies and you were great in The Notebook.

Second, if they are both table widgets and draw the same data and use the same formulas, shouldn't the Total Calls, Answered and Not Answered be the same numbers on both widgets?


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