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How to read call log legs

  • August 30, 2018
  • 3 replies

Hello Everyone,

I am able to use RingCentral's GitHub examples in C# from ringcentral-csharp-client-master. But I am still struggling with it.

But as of now I can get Inbound calls using:

ExtensionCallLogResponse callLogsInBound = await mainAccount.CallLog().List(new { dateFrom = monday.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), dateTo = monday.AddDays(5), view = "Detailed", direction = "Inbound" });  

How do I read the Legs of the call so I can track the call and who eventually answered the call?

3 replies

  • 0 replies
  • September 5, 2018
The easiest way to understand the call log flow via APIs is by logging in to -> User - > Call log  - > Detailed 

Find the call log record that you want to understand. The first line for that call shows the end to end call. But subsequent legs show how the call was processed ,  read it via top down. Each subsequent line is a leg in the API response as well. 

To understand the Call-logs in the online portal further , you can call RC tech support/ customer support or your account manager , they can provide you further insight on understanding call-log. 

If you need further info on this let us know. 

Did you ever get an answer to this? I am struggling with the same thing. At the end of the day, I need to have the ToPhoneNUmber and ToName of the end user the inbound call went to. The first line often times just has the receptionist.

You can also check logs through the API in detailed


Then you can proceed to the actual details you want, most often the first line of the log may have it


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