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How can I fetch external number CALL & SMS log in RingCentral API? C# & RingCentral.Net

  • October 20, 2022
  • 1 reply

How can I fetch external number CALL & SMS log in RingCentral API? C# & RingCentral.Net

I am using a test account as a Developer admin

I am using the below code to get the call logs for all users

Now I am facing an issue for the below case

I am doing text(SMS) & call the phone number which is outside the ring central

I am using that number as my private number

But I am not getting log for SMS and Call to that end number which I am using from my cell phone for calling, message, and any other purpose

//Get all call logs in single list variables
ReadCompanyCallLogParameters readCompanyCallLogParameters = new ReadCompanyCallLogParameters
    direction = new[] { "Inbound", "Outbound" },
    type = new[] { "Voice" },
    view = "Simple",
    dateFrom = dateFrom,
    dateTo = dateTo,

_logger.LogDebug("GetAllCallLogs In");
AccountCallLogResponse callList = await rc.Restapi().Account(accountId).CallLog().List(readCompanyCallLogParameters);

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  • 2313 replies
  • October 21, 2022

I don't know how you made the call and what you actually got from your call log. But each call record should contain the "from" and "to" data.

"to" : {
      "phoneNumber" : "+16505556678"
"from" : {
      "phoneNumber" : "+18552001907",
      "name" : "John Smith"

For text messages, you have to read using the /message-store API, not the /call-log API. And remember that, there is no account level API to read the message store of all extensions. You have to detect the extension id and read one-by-one using the extension id.


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