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E-mail notification for Voicemail

  • October 20, 2023
  • 1 reply

We currently have 7 members and only 4 of us are receiving e-mail notification for a voicemail, even though everyone is set to receive Voicemail Messages by Email in the Messaging Notifications setting, along with an email address in the Send Notification to box. Is there another setting that needs to be updated so the other 3 will receive notification?

1 reply

  • Participating Frequently
  • 123 replies
  • October 22, 2023

-Is there another setting that needs to be updated so the other 3 will receive notification?
That's all that is needed, no other setting. Here is some testing/troubleshooting you can do.

Troubleshooting1 (see pic below)
your settings should look similar to this pic. Click on Basic settings and switch over to Advanced settings and double check nothing weird in there. Check for typos.

This is what you have
User1 - OK
User2 - OK
User3 - OK
User4 - OK
User5 - no Voicemail notification
User6 - no Voicemail notification
User7 - no Voicemail notification

leave a voicemail to the direct number of user5 and check if they receive a notification.
copy user1's email address and paste it as user5
leave a voicemail to the direct number of user5 and check if they receive a notification.

If user5 is receiving a notification with user1's email address then the issue most likely has to do with the user5's settings on their email.


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