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The RingCentral program disappeared from the Start menu in my Windows 10 laptop.

  • December 29, 2021
  • 5 replies

The RingCentral app has disappeared from the Start menu in a Windows 10 laptop and another Windows 10 desktop machine, apparently after a recent Windows update. The program was loading to a blank screen. After I updated to the latest version of the app, the program is now working, but it still doesn't show up in the Start menu. Any idea what's going on?

5 replies

Community Manager

Hello, @barry-williams. Have you tried to configure the settings of your computer? The instruction below may help;

Open Run command box by pressing Windows logo + R keys. In the Run command field, type shell: startup and then press Enter key to open Startup folder. Copy and paste the app shortcut from the desktop to this Startup folder, and the app will be added to startup.

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  • December 29, 2021

Thanks for the reply. The program didn't disappear from my Startup menu; it disappeared from the All Programs (left) side of the Start menu and was no longer pinned to the Start (right side) menu either.

I wonder if it has something to do with the somewhat unusual location of the program, which is apparently here: C:UsersB*****sAppDataLocalProgramsRingCentral

Thanks again


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  • December 30, 2021

Thanks, Mary. I did download and reinstall the latest version of the software. It didn't fix the issue.


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  • December 30, 2021

Hi Barry - This is actually a pretty simple fix you can use to "pin" any icon to just about any toolbar or menu in Windows 10. To "pin" something means to "lock" the folder or program icon in place for easy access.

1.) In the "search bar" next to the start menu is a great place to start when looking for anything you believe to be saved on your hard drive (usually "c - drive") including individual personal documents or specific "program files" like the one we're about to look for.

2.) In that search bar (magnifying glass) next to the "start" menu (windows icon on bottom left), type "RingCentral". For the results, you'll notice the RingCentral logo pop up and it will give you a few different options. There is no "wrong" choice here; meaning, you are able to choose "pin to start", "pin to taskbar", "open file location etc." "Pin to start" & "Pin to Taskbar" are what you want if you use RC everyday like I do, just for ease of access.

If you choose to not follow the directions in step two, which is fine (again, you won't break anything), when you see that RingCentral icon pop, you can right click on the icon and choose "pin to start".

As a general lesson, anytime you right click on a folder or "application icon" like RingCentral, you will be given the option to "pin to start" or "pin to taskbar."

Moving forward, if something becomes "unpinned," making it hard to find when you need to access it, simply type the name of the program, file, or folder in that search bar (bottom left) to find it, open it, pin it, uninstall it, etc. etc.

Lastly, if no results are yielded with your search, there's a good chance you may have accidentally deleted or uninstalled the program on accident, which I've done before.

if you type in "Ringcentral.exe." and are able to right click the file and choose "run as admin", RC should reinstal and you should be good to go.

If all else fails, installing a fresh image of Windows should be your last report. If this is a reoccurring issue with other app. files, reinstalling windows should your second choice after you try steps one and two. If fresh install of Windows fails, I'm guess it may be hard drive issue. I can help you out either way.

shoot me an email at and I'm happy to send you the weblinks to fresh installs of windows 10. Don't download windows 11 yet if you already haven't. Wait at least six months to a year so they can fix all the bugs.

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  • November 16, 2022

I have noticed this problem in latest windows 11 client installs on a domain, it installs fine on administrator accounts and the ringcentral app shortcut shows on desktop under the usersadministratorappdata ingcentral path. However, once you login as a standard user the shortcut is no longer there nor is it in the users????appdata ingcentral folder path. The workaround I have found is this give the standard user admin rights temporarily, reboot or logout then sign back in with the users new permission role, install ringcentral so that it installs to the users path, once installed,sign out and login as admin (then remove the users admin role).SIgn back in as the standard user that had the issue and VOILA! Ringcentral Office Client is there and it will now work. This is clearly a development problem that should be addressed ASAP BY RC Support, The application should install to the Public Users side of things to minimize this sort of issue.

Anyways, hope this helps for all!


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