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What drives YOU nuts while using Glip?

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As a tool that combines chat and task management into one product, Glip has the potential to be the best chat/productivity tool out there; however... after using Glip for 2-3 years now, there are still glaring bugs and gaping holes in its core functionality that boggle my mind and hold it back from true greatness.

In fact, I'm so discouraged by the lack of progress that I'd thought I'd get some stuff off my chest and share everything that drives me nuts about the browser/desktop app... in hopes that someone out there is listening... because I'm at a point where I'm looking at other options.

This list is not exhaustive (and I'll likely add to the list as things come to mind)... just the stuff that I'm still perplexed by:


Line Breaks

  • If you create a line/paragraph break after a line that has a url in it, the line break doesn't display (except on mobile).


  • @mention-ing adds an automatic space after the mentioned individual, so if you want to include punctuation after the name (which I personally do all the time), then you have to hit backspace.

Editing Comments

  • Single-letter edits don't seem to update (e.g. if you edit 'of' to read 'if', which I literally just did). For some reason, Glip requires you to edit two or more characters (or spaces) to recognize that an edit has taken place and updates the text accordingly.
  • You still cannot use the up-key shortcut to edit a comment if that comment has a url link in it.


Missing tasks

  • I have tasks spread out over multiple teams. When I go into the Task App, not all of my tasks are displayed. Instead, I have to filter my tasks by selecting "Assign to" and my name, then they appear... mostly.

Recurring tasks

  • We still don't have more nuanced frequency for recurring tasks (e.g. repeat every 3 weeks, or 2 days etc.). I mean... people have been requesting this feature for literally years!

Buggy task date sections

  • When you create a task in the browser app with a particular due date... if you create another task with the same due date on mobile... when you then sort your tasks by date on the browser/desktop app, Glip displays two sections with the same date, instead of all of the tasks being under the one date section.

Completed tasks

  • Attempting to review completed tasks generally crashes Glip.
  • If they do display, there's no option to sort by most recent (which are usually the ones I want to review)


  • I wish I could perform actions (e.g. delete, complete) on multiple tasks at once.


  • I mean, do I even need to explain this?

    If you manage all of your tasks in Glip, the dashboard is an unusable mess. It virtually crashes the app just trying to load everything up... not to mention a lack of functionality (i.e. sorting/filters) to make the dumpster pile of tasks it displays both on the calendar (if it loads) and on the My Tasks list somewhat useful.

    Is it just me??


  • Saving a note boots you from the note. Why?
  • Sometimes notes do not save at all. We're back to using Google docs because of this.
  • Strikethroughs still don't work. Reported it aaaaaaages ago.
  • When copy/pasting text into a note, the page scrolls up and away from the text you just pasted. Why?
  • Converting bullet points to numbers crashes the app.


  • You can import files into Glip - you just can't use files already in Glip as an attachment.

What glaring bugs and/or issues would you like RingCentral to address?

8 replies

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  • July 12, 2019
thanks for taking the time to list all of that out. My BIG gripe is the reoccurring tasks/appointments.  Literally been asking for this seemingly easy (it's done on all sorts of platforms except Glip/RC) request for YEARS! :(

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  • July 22, 2019
Glip users cannot get technical support,      the Support section of the website requires you to login to create a ticket, and we cant login.   The phone helpdesk admitted there is a problem where Glip only users cant logiin to the helpdesk.

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  • July 26, 2019
Ooh, just remembered another bug...

If you want to completely transfer a task from one team to another, you have to click on the cog wheel next to the task in center pane and select the move icon. If you step into the task and use the move icon in the right-pane, Glip will indeed move the task to the desired team, but will also leave the task in the originating team :/

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  • July 26, 2019

I still don't receive the daily "today" task reminder emails. Submitted a ticket over a year ago - still no answer why I stopped receiving them.

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  • August 16, 2019
Recurring tasks still break! Just lost about 24 recurring tasks over the last two days. They just stopped recurring for no good reason :(

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  • September 3, 2019
  • Can't tell a room to stop telling me about missed messages. Even when the room is muted it will still light up when a message is posted.
  • No dark mode. Supposedly this is in development but haven't seen anything about this in ages
  • No public roadmap
  • Release notes are bare-bones, don't feature all releases, and can't be subscribed to via rss (

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  • September 6, 2019
It looks tasty, but tastes pretty average...

Threaded conversations.  A single team will likely need to have multiple conversations going on at the same time and without threading it becomes difficult to follow one particular topic.


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