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Desktop phone on Mac. Version - Voicemail plays when phone rings

  • July 3, 2019
  • 1 reply

Whenever the desktop phone rings on my Mac (Version 10.14.5), a voicemail plays. The only way to stop this happening, is to delete the voicemails from the app. However, when a new voicemail is left, the same problem occurs. I have tried deleting and reinstalling the desktop app. If I answer the call, the voicemail plays while I try to speak to the caller (so can't hear the caller), and the caller can hear the other person (in the voicemail) speak. It is all very strange and very disruptive. I updated to the latest version of the app and still the problem persists. This has gone on for weeks and now happens on every call. Any ideas?

1 reply

I think I have discovered the issue. I use gmail in chrome, and when a call comes into my RC desktop phone, my ringcentral voicemail in my gmail kicks in. Not sure how to fix this, but at least I can close the gmail tab to stop the voicemail playing. Not ideal. If anyone has any other ideas, please let me know. Thanks!


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