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Accessing Ringcentral detailed call log using azure data factory?

  • January 19, 2024
  • 1 reply

Hi, has anyone had any success copying data from the detailed call log using azure data factory? I am finding very little examples online.

I am trying to set up a linked service using the below..


However I get the error message
Failed to get access token from your token endpoint. Error returned from your authorization server: { "error" : "invalid_request", "errors" : [ { "errorCode" : "OAU-270", "message" : "None of the parameters [brand_id],[account_id], [partner_account_id] found in the request" } ], "error_description" : "None of the parameters [brand_id],[account_id], [partner_account_id] found in the request" }. Processed HTTP request failed.

I am quite new to pulling data in from Ringcentral/using APIs so any advice would be greatly appreciated!

1 reply

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 2313 replies
  • January 22, 2024

I have no experience in using Azure data factory.

But as much as I can see in the screenshot, the token endpoint is mismatched with the base URL you specified above it.

If you test on your sandbox environment, the base URL is and the token endpoint must be pointing to the devtest platform server too, which is

You should double check the syntax of Azure to make sure that if it only needs the endpoint and attach it to the base URL or not. If it's, I think the token endpoint should be just the path which is /restapi/auth/token.

Hope this helps


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