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Not being able to add members to company team

  • July 18, 2019
  • 1 reply

So glip released a new update and you are unable to add members to your company team. My questions, if you get a new employee, why can you no longer add him/her to the company team? Why can he/she not be able to be informed of the messages in the company team? The company team has a long history of messages in it that we may want a new employee to be able to see. Why can he/she not be privy to those messages? The answer I received..."we no longer provide the feature to add a team member to the company team. So if I want to get around it, create another company team manually."

For me that's okay, I have a small company. However, for larger companies, are they suppose to manually add dozens or hundreds or even thousands of people to a new company team because glip randomly decided not to allow you to add anyone new to the company team anymore? What if someone new wants to view what was sent in this company team previously? They no longer can do that because glip is forcing you to create a new company team.

I just would like some clarity from the developers as to why this feature was taken out. Imagine you have a company with hundreds of individuals on the company team and new individuals join. Why do they have to manually create a new team and can't add individuals to the existing team?

1 reply

Hello there, it seems your issue has been discuss here:

as per saadet... you can submit a ticket for adding members since they can do that at the backend.


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