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Reverting to Default Profile Picture

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I updated my profile picture from the generic standard icon.  Now when I join a ringcentral meeting my profile picture appears.  I can't seem to revert back to the standard generic profile icon.  How can I do this and remove my profile picture from Ring Central Meetings? 

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  • February 19, 2019
It appears that RIngCentralhas removed the Advanced Features menu selection in Settings (at least in my instance). That's  where you can edit your profile and delete the photo. I can't remove mine either.

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  • February 21, 2019
Hey DH, do you use the RC (Glip) app? Also, could you show me where you changed your profile picture in Meetings? I've never done it so it would help me to understand :)

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  • February 22, 2019
This is precisely my question :)  I changed my profile in the GLIP all and now it displays when I join RingCentral meetings.  I don't understand how that happened and would like to disable it. 

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  • February 22, 2019
AH! So, RingCentral Meetings and Glip now talk to each other - this is so that when you're on an RC Meeting, your Presence in Glip reflects that :) Which is a really nice feature. 

Because these two programs talk to each other, Meeting is pulling your profile picture from Glip. I'll see if it's something that can be changed but I don't think it is.

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  • February 22, 2019
Thank you.  I'm one of several hundred in our organization that have a profile pic in Glip but the only one that has my profile pic appear in RingCentral.  There must be some setting that is enabling this 

  • Known Participant
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  • February 22, 2019
Hey DH, got some more info. At this time there's no setting in Meetings to update your Profile Picture. However, you can change it in Glip and that will update Meetings.

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  • March 14, 2019
I have removed my picture on RingCentral Phone but it has not been removed from Glip. How can i remove it from there? It only gives the option to change it not remove it. 

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  • March 14, 2019

Saadet is correct, but what you can do is create a blank JPG image in Paint or any other application that can create a blank image. You could also grab a screenshot of a blank area of a screen with something like the Windows snipping tool. You can then change the photo in Glip with this blank image.

I've attached a white blank image for you that you can download (It's white so click just below this).

This is garbage ... fix this so we can edit, change, and remove an image directly from the meetings app ... who created this user experience? 

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  • June 5, 2019
Agreed - spent WAYYY too much time trying to fix what's evidently unfixable! Really lame. It updates OK in the phone app and shows OK in Glip and mobile even - but not on my huge monitor... really want that gone and/or at least changed! Ridiculous.

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  • June 26, 2019
I agree, this should be an easy fix on RingCentral's end. It's not asking a lot to be able to delete a photo and revert to the user's initials that already existed in your system to begin with. 

Can you please let us know that you're working on this simple improvement? 


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  • July 19, 2019
Makes it seem like a pretty smalltime operation, doesn't it? Is there like one developer and he's on vacation most of the time? I really hope someone is checking these posts - totally unprofessional to let something so basic and necessary remain broken for what appears to be YEARS. Makes me want to push to switch to something more polished and customer-friendly. 

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  • July 19, 2019
Same issue as others have mentioned.  I updated a new photo  in Glip but the one that shows in meetings is the old one.  Wish there was a way to manually update in meetings since it clearly doesn't sync correctly from glip all the time.

We're having the SAME issue in our organization for many of our members. Has anyone figured out the fix?? 

I don't see any fix in the near future.  I've had a issue on PKI hold for over 14 months.  RC doesn't even reply to my updates on the ticket asking for resolution.  If you want to fix it yourself without waiting on ring just delete and re add the user.

That's one fix!! I'll take it. Thanks, Eric. 

not sure if anyone posted this solution.

RingCentral Meetings Windows App stores the Avatar image under AppdataRoamingRingCentralMeetingsdata

First, delete the conf_avatar files from the above location.
Make sure the Ring Central Apps are closed when you do this.
Launch Glip and Update your photo. 
Then launch RingCentral Meetings app.
You should now see the correct image.

There is a possibilty that you need to uninstall the RingCentral Meetings app from windows and
then delete the RingCentralMeetings folder from the appdata location.

The folder will recreate itself when you reinstall the application

My awesome IT Service Desk just gave me a solution that worked! 
On Android or iOS app:
-Go to the RingCentral app (not Meetings)
-If on Android, click the hamburger menu in the upper left then Select Meetings from the menu or
-If on iOS, click Meetings icon on bottom menu
-Once in Meetings, click the 3 dots in the upper right corner
-Select Meeting Settings
-Select Video Service
-Select RingCentral Meetings Embedded
-Back on Meetings screen, click Start
-End your mobile meeting then go back to your desktop and launch RingCentral Meetings and select Start Without Video. 

I'm not an IT person and I do not work for RingCentral so don't get all cranky if this doesn't work for you, but I tried a bunch of stuff that didn't work and then this did so hopefully it works for some of you as well.

Awesome! This worked. Thank you.

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  • September 18, 2019
This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled How can I remove/change the profile photo that appears when I'm in RingCentral Me.... When I'm in RingCentral Meetings and have my video camera turned off, a profile picture is displayed as a default. I'd like to remove/change that photo... How?

  • New Participant
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  • October 3, 2019
This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled change profile picture to default. A way to change the profile picture to the default initials. 

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  • September 2, 2020

I am trying to have Ring Central correct this, and they keep insisting it is a feature request with no ETA. This is not a feature request, it is a bug. Some people are stating the updated picture is pulling from their RingCentral/Glip app and updating the RC Meetings picture, and others are saying it is not. These inconsistent results are a clear indicator this is a bug. If this was a feature, it would behave the same way every time. And, you wouldn't have a troubleshooting article that you released August 6th of this year if it wasn't a bug. Why would there be a troubleshooting article for a feature? I'm starting to get the feeling they don't want to label it as a bug because then they would have to fix it, while a feature request they don't technically have to implement. If they continue to operate like this, we are changing providers. We have had numerous problems with them lately, and all these changes they are doing. Maybe they don't want to spend time fixing this issue because they are pushing for the use of their new Ring Central Video service over the Zoom service (the picture issue only affects the zoom service from what I can tell).

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  • September 2, 2020

Agreed, still a problem. This affects the Ring Central video and Glip chat.

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  • September 16, 2020

I'm confused on why this has not been set as a priority and solved or at least came up with a viable workaround. I have called support and their so called work around does not work and they eventually just tell you to come here and open a Community ticket. As you can see many users have already opened a ticket about this, but nothing has been done. Changing your default picture in the instant messaging Application changes it on your meetings also? I get it Ring Central is trying to get it all tied into one, but not having a solution to change that photo is mind boggling. What if a user adds a photo of something personal such as wife and kids for their instant messaging application that he uses to talk to Co-Workers and then realizes later it defaults to meetings also for anyone that he has meetings with around the world to see also. He then has no way of changing that photo (he can't even go back to a default blank image). To not have a simple delete button or an actual working solution to get it changed is a little worrisome that our company is using this as our main Meetings Software.

Please Fix this Ringcentral or at least provide us with a working solution! The one on your website does not work for me!

If anyone has found a solution for this please feel free to comment some instructions.

Thank you.

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  • October 10, 2022

Pretty simple request to update within your system. Any reason why Ring Central hasn't made the change to be able to revert back to default User Name/Initials?


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