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RingCentral CRM extension for Bullhorn CRM Auto log notes issue.

  • 28 August 2024
  • 1 reply

How to resolve issue where notes are not auto logged and the popup to add notes is not coming as well?

@PVerma Let me see what I can do to address the various aspects of this question. 

First, make sure that “Log phone calls automatically” is enabled. What this does is ensure that a phone call is logged without manual intervention provided that a single contact can be associated with the phone call. If no contact can be found, or multiple contacts are found - the call cannot be logged, and will be added to an “Unresolved” tab in the extension where you can resolve logging conflicts. 

Once a call is logged, you can always edit and save the notes to ensure that the log entry in the CRM is updated with your updated notes. 

Logging notes

When it comes to logging notes, there are two things you can do help with this process. While the call is active, you can click the note icon to open the note taking pane. Any notes you enter here will be logged to the CRM.

The “Notes” button that will open the notes pane while a call is active. 
The notes pane where users can enter notes while a call is active. 

There is a second option that needs to be enabled to open up call logging page when a call is completed. Open up Setting, go to “Call and SMS Logging” and enable “Open call logging page after call.”
