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I happily installed the new desktop app for Mac (uninstalling RC Meetings, Phone, etc), and it's working fine, except in one area. When I receive a link to an RC meeting and try to click on it, the system doesn't know what to do with it and I get an error saying there's no app to receive it.

Did I break my installation, or do I still need the older RC Meeting desktop app to make that work?

Hi Marc, 

This is a known bug that our Product team is looking into. 

In the mean time, please connect your calendar to the RC App, and join meetings with one click via the meetings tab. 

Thanks.  I already do that, but not every meeting is prescheduled.  I can do a "join" with the meeting number in the link, so I don't have any problems getting into the meeting, but was concerned I had missed something in my config.

Is there a present case on this I can view or something that will show me the status?

