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Need remote Access during Screen sharing in RingCentral Video

I guess it's already there:,needs%20to%20control%20the%20screen.

The solution is only on Ring Central Meetings (Zoom) platform. Unfortunately this platform is not offered to any new subscription. We need similar feature on on RingCentral Video platform.

+1 we could really use this feature sooner rather than later. We want to move to RC Video for better UX but a few stragglers need remote support before they can move over.

Hi @Prakash Racharla & @Alex Schittko,

The product team is aware of the feature gaps between Meetings and Video and are working to close this gap!

Also adding to request for the new RC Video to add remote access functionality -- It's similarly holding us back from migrating from RC Meetings. Glad you're working on and will look forward to it!

+1 to remote control during screenshare

We just signed up as a new user because unlike Google Meet (which is included in our GSuite package) RC had remote control. It was disappointing to find out this function is missing from the updated unified app. I hope this feature will be added before our WebEx license expires in Feb 2021.

And what happened with the REMOTE CONTROL for the updated RingCentral Meetings? It was a feature we often used in the licensed RingCentral (Zoom) Meetings? It has been months since this was brought up, and we no longer have access to the older licensed product.

Ring Central. Please add this function and the ability to share audio

If this feature is not added soon, we will be forced to switch to another product.

The ability to remote control and remote support administrative credential programs (UAC), needs to be in RingCentral Video before we can consider using that offering. We don't need just any control, we need administrator control, the type that was offer in standalone RingCentral Meetings desktop. To reiterate, we need to control and run program as administrator and troubleshoot with admin privilege. This is a must have, otherwise it is a showstopper for us.

Note the lack of any recent posts by someone from RingCentral. Very disappointing!

We are now in Quarter 4.. What is the ETA? Why is RC forcing accounts to switch when the product is not ready.

Becky, I already talked to Support - partner support. Thanks though!!! I wish I knew this feaure was not available or I would have been more proactive.

All if you log into RC admin portal and go to MEETINGS>VIDEO SERVICES - change the users back to RingCentral Meeting


Thank you for the suggestion, but users who signed up sometime after October 2020, do not have those options. This was about the time RC integrated the Meeting and Video into one application. Prior to that they were separate applications.

I'm a SuperAdmin, and do not see the option to select RingCentral Meetings. We used to have it, but apparently it was removed from our account when the newer RingCentral Video was installed. It may be the level of service we have (small company - pretty basic). Hopefully the remote control will actually make it in Q4.

Can someone from RingCentral please provide an update on this? I just saw a second post from 6 days ago that states this is now pushed out until Q1 of 2022. Please say this isn't true as many of us have been waiting for better than a year for this to come out. We have had to resort to other means while doing support for our customers because we can't take control of their screens in RC Video nor can we get Admin access to install some softwares or change other admin features.

While we wait and wait and wait for RC to restore a feature that existed before the current release, I found a MUCH easier workaround. Built into every Windows 10 OS is an app called Quick Assist. No special admin rights are needed, nor does anyone have to install third party software. Unlike other screen sharing and remote-control apps, this one can show ALL monitors at once (I've seen someone with three so far) and you can toggle focus on each monitor and the clarity is impeccable! Quick Assist does not have audio, so you'll have to make a phone call with the other person.

The downside is you can't quickly swap screen shares and it only works for one-on-one meetings. Well, you can sort of get around that. The host can share their screen with others while viewing the guests Quick Assist. The other downside is some functions are not controllable like controlling Task Monitor and Windows Services.

Hope this helps while we wait, and wait, and wait, and wait....

As an IT support organization, it is critical that we have remote control access. Please expedite development to deliver this feature as quickly as possible or we will be forced to find another solution. Thank you.
