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Is anyone having issues where Ring Central meetings established through the Gmail Calendar Extension are not populating with the correct time in the Ring Central Meetings desktop application?

See attached example
Hello David! 

You will need to change the timezone from your RingCentral Meeting app itself. 

You can do this by clicking the schedule icon and you will see the timezone below start and duration.

Hi Jenn-

The Ring Central engineering team has taken this on, its a known bug.  Thanks for the reply.
Is there a status from engineering when this fix can be expected?
2 weeks plus, no resolution, no communication on estimated resolution time?  Not great support
Hi David, 

We have not heard anything from the engineering team regarding when this will be resolved. The case you opened will automatically be closed when this is resolved and you'll received a notification. I'm sorry there hasn't been more movement on this. 

Has this ever been resolved? We are just starting to use the RingCentral App for video calls and are also experiencing this challenge.

Had a user report this problem today. Scheduled for 2pm central. Invitee shows 4pm. Correct time zone was selected when creating the meeting.
