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How can I disable voicemail for call queues

  • August 26, 2024
  • 1 reply

We need to disable the voicemail option completely at different times of the year. We don’t have the staff to handle the number of voicemails that we get during our peak season. I have not been able to turn that feature off. In the call queue>voicemail & messages, there is not an option to turn it off. I can for after hours but not during business hours. Does anyone know how?

1 reply

Problem Solver
  • Participating Frequently
  • 97 replies
  • August 27, 2024

There are 2 settings you need to worry about:
What happens with a caller if the call queue is already full - you can set it to play announcement and disconnect.
what happens when max wait time is reached. Here you can select between voicemail, extension and external number.
Best thing to do is to go to Phone System > Groups > Announcement only extension. Create a new one and for the call queue select that calls are routed to that extension. The callers will hear the announcement and the call will be disconnected.

If you don’t see the option to send caller to another extension, it means it’s not included in your plan and you need to reach out to RC.



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