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Within the RingCentral Analytics portal, if I filter the Call Types to only show External Calls and look at the Total Handle Time column this is showing me EXACTLY the information the I want to see for my agents, when I'm trying to establish how long they have spent on the telephone.

Is there ANY way that I can extract this value to use outside of the RingCentral platform e.g. API, Webhook etc?

I am currently trying to re-calculate this Total Handle Time figure by inspecting every single call event via a Webhook subscription. However, I keep seeing new types of call flow e.g. call transfers etc. that end up breaking whatever logic I have implemented to previously calculate this value. It's becoming really time consuming to try and figure out how to successfully calculate this value for my app and it seems like a shame that this is the only option available when the figure I need is already available in the Analytics portal. If there's any way that I can regularly extract this Total Handle Time figure from the RingCentral platform, it would be a game changer for me.

If anybody has a pre-existing algorithm for calculating Total Agent Handle Time from RingCentral webhook events, that would be really useful as well.

If there's any information that I can provide to help explore available options, please let me know.



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