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Guys, could you please explain how Get Company Call Log Records Date Filter Window works? Seems the dateFrom and dateTo are filtering on the startTime field instead of endTime (startTime + duration) and because of that its possible to miss some calls if we just set the dateFom on the next collection to the previous dateTo + 1ms.
My questions:
1. Does this API filter by startTime or end time? If it filters by startTime, do we have possibility to change to endTime?
2. Does this API return calls that are not completed? Like in progress in this time interval (if this API filter by recording start time)

The API dateTo filter is the startTime of a call. Unfortunately, it is the issue as you wrote and I have reported this issue long time ago but it is not fixed or improved yet.

For your question #2. No, the API does not return call records for in-progress calls.

There are 2 workaround solutions for this.

1. After you read the call log, read also the active calls and keep track of those active calls until they get disconnected then use the sessionId of a call to read it from the call log and patch your call records result from the call-log API.

2. Use the Sync Call Log API

Thanks for reply!
How can we know that this bug will be fixed? Do you know when it will be? Very important for us.
