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I am Using RingCentral Connect Platform PHP SDK ( to send fax messages, I get a curl error when i run the script. I have a developer account and testing the authenticate and Fax message and it works fine.

Error details:

Warning: curl_close(): 28 is not a valid cURL handle resource in <path_to_project>vendor
ingcentral-phpsrcHttpClient.php on line 104 Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'InvalidArgumentException' with message 'Invalid response string' in vendor
ingcentralpsr7srcfunctions.php:478 Stack trace: #0 <path_to_project>vendor
ingcentral-phpsrcHttpApiResponse.php(56): RingCentralPsr7parse_response('HTTP/1.1 0 OK??') #1 <path_to_project>vendor
ingcentral-phpsrcHttpClient.php(99): RingCentralSDKHttpApiResponse->__construct(Object(RingCentralPsr7Request), false, 0) #2 <path_to_project>vendor
ingcentral-phpsrcHttpClient.php(25): RingCentralSDKHttpClient->loadResponse(Object(RingCentralPsr7Request)) #3 <path_to_project>vendor
ingcentral-phpsrcPlatformPlatform.php(214): RingCentralSDKHttpClient->send(Object(RingCentralPsr7Request)) #4 <path_to_project>vendor
ingcentral-phpsrcPlatformPlatform.php(301): RingCentralSDKPlatformPlatform->sendReq in C:inetpubwwwrooterexpresspublicvendor
ingcentral-phpsrcHttpClient.php on line 44

Sample code (basically the sample code from -


use RingCentralSDKSDK;


$credentials = require(__DIR__ . '/vendor/ringcentral/ringcentral-php/demo/_credentials.php');

// Authorize

$platform->login($credentials['username'], $credentials['extension'], $credentials['password']);

// Find Fax-enabled phone number that belongs to extension

$phoneNumbers = $platform->get('/account/~/extension/~/phone-number', array('perPage' => 'max'))


print 'Fax Phone Number: ' . $credentials['username'] . PHP_EOL;

// Send Fax

$request = $rcsdk->createMultipartBuilder()


'to' => array(

array('phoneNumber' => $credentials['username']),


'faxResolution' => 'High',


->add('Plain Text', 'file.txt')

->add(fopen('', 'r'))


//print $request->getBody() . PHP_EOL;

$response = $platform->sendRequest($request);

print 'Sent Fax ' . $response->json()->uri . PHP_EOL;

Hi ,

Did you instantiate the SDK Object within the sample code that your are using to Authenticate and Send Fax :

Please include this code within your demo application :

// Create SDK instance
$rcsdk = new SDK($credentials['appKey'], $credentials['appSecret'], $credentials['server'], 'Demo', '1.0.0');
$platform = $rcsdk->platform();
If you take a lookat our Demo Folder within the SDK you would see a file named "_credentialsSample.json" . Please make sure you are using all the details on your sandbox account like appKey, appSecret and the credentials on your sandbox account etc. 

Also for your reference, i am providing a sample code below to Authenticate and Send Fax : 

$credentials_file = count($argv) > 1         ? $argv[1] : __DIR__ . '/_credentialsSample.json';

        $credentials = json_decode(file_get_contents($credentials_file), true);

        // Create SDK instance
        $rcsdk = new SDK($credentials['appKey'], $credentials['appSecret'], $credentials['server'], 'Demo', '1.0.0');
        $platform = $rcsdk->platform();
        // // Authorize
        $platform->login($credentials['username'], $credentials['extension'], $credentials['password'], true);
        $request = $rcsdk->createMultipartBuilder()
                     'to'         => array(
                         array('phoneNumber' => 'toNumber'),
                     'faxResolution' => 'High',
                 ->add('Plain Text', 'file.txt')
                 ->add(fopen('', 'r'))    

        $response = $platform->sendRequest($request);
        print_r($response->request()-> getHeaders());

Hi Anil,

Thank you for your response. I did instantiate the SDK Object. Somehow missed pasting it in  sample code above. 

I get the same error when i substituted the reference code you provided

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'InvalidArgumentException' with message 'Invalid response string' in vendor
Stack trace:
#0 <path_to_project>vendor
ingcentral-phpsrcHttpApiResponse.php(56): RingCentralPsr7parse_response('HTTP/1.1 0 OK??')
#1 <path_to_project>vendor
ingcentral-phpsrcHttpClient.php(99): RingCentralSDKHttpApiResponse->__construct(Object(RingCentralPsr7Request), false, 0)
#2 <path_to_project>vendor
ingcentral-phpsrcHttpClient.php(25): RingCentralSDKHttpClient->loadResponse(Object(RingCentralPsr7Request))
#3 <path_to_project>vendor
ingcentral-phpsrcPlatformPlatform.php(214): RingCentralSDKHttpClient->send(Object(RingCentralPsr7Request))
#4 <path_to_project>vendor
ingcentral-phpsrcPlatformPlatform.php(301): RingCentralSDKPlatformPlatform->sendReq in C:inetpubwwwrooterexpresspublicvendor
ingcentral-phpsrcHttpClient.php on line 44
This error occurs when i try to call the  

// Authorize call
        $platform->login($credentials['username'], $credentials['extension'], $credentials['password'], true);

Could you please provide the Organization Name or the sandbox number with which you are using the developer platform, we could take a look at your account. 
The sandbox username is +18024486632. I tested the sandbox credentials on ringway API explorer : Send Fax. It works fine and I receive a fax.
I have created a sample Demo Application to Authenticate and send Fax . 

Please take a look at the file named "sendFax.php" in the Github Repo and you could modify the code accordingly within your application:

Hi Anil,

I copied your code and tried to run it. 


Error 1
 - Fatal error: Class 'RingCentralSDKSDK' not found in C:inetpubwwwroot
 on line 10

The vendor
ingcentral-php folder was empty, so i downloaded the zip file from and pasted those files in the folder. The error disappears which leads to Error 2

Error 2 - 
Fatal error: Interface 'PsrHttpMessageRequestInterface' not found in C:inetpubwwwroot
 on line 13
Hi Anil, 

We have resolved the issue we came across while trying to integrate Ringcentral PHP SDK. The issue was caused due to cURL SSL certificate issue.

Curl error: SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed. Copied cacert.pem file and modified php.ini with the path to cacert.pem and it works.

Thank you for your support.


Can you tell me how i can format the fax message into a proper content with bold and next line

$request = $rcsdk->createMultipartBuilder()   
'to'  => array(
array('phoneNumber' => '12672800722'),
'faxResolution' => 'High',))
->add('Plain Text <Br> <b> Hello </b>', 'file.txt')
Right now the content shows up in the fax message as such:
Plain Text <Br> <b> Hello </b>.
Can we have html formatting:
Plain Text 

You are trying to add HTML formatting to a plain text. You could try replacing the "<" and ">" symbols with "&lt" and "&gt" respectively but i suppose that would work with the text file. 

However, you could create a .pdf format file and you could have it included as your attachment before sending the fax.

Created a pdf file and as suggested included it as an attachment. Works as expected



Do we have an option of not displaying the cover page either through the PHP SDK or through the Ringcentral outbound fax settings?

You could set the 'coverIndex' parameter as part of the body to 0 (none- no cover page ) for not displaying the cover page when you send a fax. 

Please take a look at our API Explorer to send Fax here :!/Messaging/v1_0_account__accountId__extension__extension...

Thank you Anil. That worked.


Can we remove the header from the fax message :

"From: ER Express Fax Fax: (xxx) xxx xxxx     To:   Fax: +1(xxx) xxx-xxxx Page 1 of 1 12/30/2015"
