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Running this code from my C# program...

callOutRequest.from = new MakeCallOutCallerInfoRequestFrom {deviceId = fromDeviceId}; = new MakeCallOutCallerInfoRequestTo {phoneNumber = toNum};
CallSession session = await rc.Restapi().Account().Telephony().CallOut().Post(callOutRequest);

Resulting in this...

Content: {
"errors" : [
"errorCode" : "CMN-101",
"message" : "Parameter [phoneNumber] value is invalid"

The "Phone number is a valid, 10 digit phone number". The "device Id" is a 12 digit number taken from my RC account.

What's wrong with what I'm doing here?



Phone number is in E.164 format. Make sure to add + sign in front of the country code.

Thanks, but I did try adding a "+1" to the number and got the same results.
