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Force RingCentral for O365 app to use desk phone only

  • 11 March 2019
  • 1 reply

In the lastest RingCentral Newsletter, there's a link to a page that discuss the features of RingCentral for O365 (see below.) I notice it also shows part of the configuration where you can tell the app which phone to ring (see image below.) Is there any way to force and lock a user into only using "My RingCentral Phone"? The vast majority of our RingCentral users are using Citrix (virtual desktops.) We would like to start offering the use of this app but we do not want them conducting the actual phone call through the RingCentral for O365 app due to audio quality issues via the virtual environment. So we'd like to be able to make a setting change (within their Role in the Admin portal?) to force their RingCentral for O365 app to ONLY use the desktop phone to make calls.

Hi Chris,

Thanks for posting your question to this developer forum! However, questions related to integration products would be better posted to the RingCentral community.

So please copy your question and repost it there.

Kind regards,
+ Phong
