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using python on ring central production

i'm getting from time to time 409 on record call api

flow im doing:


end all live calls in system

call out

check call is live

record the call

what is the reason i get 409 duplicate, duplicate on what ? party?telephonysessionid

Do you have the automatic recording set on your account?

checking it

should it be disabled ?

where can i see it ?

in sales force ? or in ring central web settings

i have in crm sales force auto log call

i didnt see configuration for recording

im doing recording via the api only

the thing is i dont understand why im getting 409 ? im checking if if have live calls recording , and i dont have others,

im very confused

IS there api i can call to make sure i'll have no 409 once i try to record

im already doing end call for all live call, but it seems it does not help

Can you call this API and check the "recordings" object to see if a call recording is active or not before starting recording the call.
