We’ve identified a possible bug identified for the RingCentral MacOS app. We are running the latest version.
We have our RingCentral app (Mac and iOS) synced with our Google Contacts (list of 8000 contacts). When our line rings, the iOS and Mac app always correctly displays the name of the client calling based on our integration with Google Contacts.
However we have identified a possible bug when using:
"Launch an external app or website for incoming calls"
When launching an external app built and passing the full name and full number of the customer calling (%N and %P respectively) as parameters, the RingCentral app does not reliably pass the customers name when it is able to display it within the MacOS app absolutely fine.
We have identified that the above works fine if the client rings for a second occasion, but on the first occasion the clients name is not passed in the parameters. We have debugged this and believe this to be an error in the RingCentral app. We believe that this is because it cannot read the clients name from the list of 8000 in time to pass the parameters so sends them without it, when instead it should wait to find the customers name and THEN pass it. The problem is not there when the client calls a second time, presumably because the first call is in the history and the app can read the clients number quicker from there.
Has anyone encountered a similar issue? Tried reporting it as a bug but nobody at RingCentral is bothered.
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