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I have some numbers that employees are migrating and when I search "all phone numbers" in the GUI, I see the number and it says the type is "inventory". when I use the API to get all company numbers, I don't see this number in the list. people have been doing the transferred numbers manually so far, and the automation we made has done the new numbers, but they now want me to process spreadsheets full of transferred numbers via automation. but I can't seem to find these numbers via the API, even though I see them just fine in the GUI. example number I'm speaking of (will redact some, but should be enough to find if you search our account.) 914-***-3592

also, if this turns out to be a thing we can fix, how would I use the api to assign the number to a new user? thanks ahead of time

it looks like the ones we've been assigning to people with automation are "unassigned extensions". those show up in the API no problem. but the migrated numbers don't for some reason. I assume it's because they aren't assigned to a device? I'm not a voice person, so I'm starting this with a bit of a handicap, so maybe I just need to understand the process better. would they show up like normal if we assign them to a device? if yes, is that what I need to do then, to provision these numbers to the people who have them migrated to ring?

I tried these so far with no luck:

  • /account/accountId/phone-number
  • /account/{account_id}/extension
