Lets first get some basics right.
**What is a High Volume A2P SMS Application?**
Based on [CTIA guidelines](https://api.ctia.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/190719-CTIA-Messaging-Principles-and-Best-Practices-FINAL.pdf) any SMS communications that exceed more than 1000 messages/day from a number could be classified as an A2P SMS which is mainly for commercial purpose. If your business requirement is High-Volume A2P SMS, you should use the New RingCentral A2P SMS API product. The details for signing up for the program and getting access to the APIs could be found [here](https://forums.developers.ringcentral.com/idea/8756/please-signup-for-the-new-high-volume-batch-sms-ap.html)
**How to Build a High Volume A2P Application?**
**High Volume is supported on the Following Number Types**
1. US, Canada 10 DLC (Rate Supported is 1 messages/sec)
(SMS Price for Outbound is $0.007 / SMS segment (160 Characters) and Inbound is Free
2. Toll-Free Number (Rate Supported is 8 messages /sec)
(SMS Price for both are the same $0.007 / SMS segment (160 Characters) Inbound and Outbound)
a. Procure a US10 DLC Number from RingCentral(Service Web Portal) and email devsupport@ringcentral.com to help convert the number to a Commercial A2P Line Or If you want to use Toll-Free Numbers you can Procure a Toll-Free Number and ask to covert it into A2P Commercial Line.
**Steps for App Development**
1. Signup as a Registered Developer in RingCentral using your existing customer credentials or register for new developer credentials https://developers.ringcentral.com/login.html#/
2. If this is your First Time Creating an App you can get started using https://developers.ringcentral.com/my-account.html#/getting-started/setup-wizard
3. For High Volume SMS your App needs an App Permission called "**A2PSMS**" . Please ask the RingCentral Developer support team to add that permission to your App by providing your App Name and AppId and email to devsupport@ringcentral.com
4. Now you can write your Code for sending the SMS. The API details are [here](https://forums.developers.ringcentral.com/idea/8756/please-signup-for-the-new-high-volume-batch-sms-ap.html). If you need assistance or some inspiration we have a demo [App](https://ringcentral-a2p-sms.herokuapp.com/) Make sure you select the App Link for High Volume SMS (https://ringcentral-a2p-sms.herokuapp.com/loada2psmspage) . You can also review the code from the [GitHub Repo] (https://github.com/PacoVu/ringcentral-send-tollfree-sms)
Note: Today since this is a billable SMS so this High Volume API would only work on Production
5. Once you feel you are good to go, please email devsupport@ringcentral.com to Graduate your app to production.
Please provide your feedback and we can't wait to see what you build.
How to Build a High Volume A2P SMS Application on RingCentral Platform
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