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I am trying to get call answered time in a live call but can't seem to find API for it.

The scenario is when a user calls I want to get the time the user called until the call is picked up. I am able to get the time the call was made through Call Log API's "Get User Active Calls" method but unable to get the time the call was answered. Is there a way to achieve this?

Any help would be appreciated.

Hi Zareef,
You can try to use Presence API, see!#RefUserPresence.html
Once call is picked up "telephonyStatus" is changed to "CallConnected". 

The same data is available via Push Notifications, see!#RefGetExtensionPresenceEvent 
All you need is to subscribe on "Extension Presence Event" and monitor for events with "telephonyStatus" : "CallConnected".
Please advise if it works for you, otherwise we could try to find another way to resolve your problem.

Hi Igor,

Thank you for the answer. The solution works perfect, however, there is an issue. Is there a way to monitor the event in real time? i-e; to get the response as soon as telephony status is changed. Or if a webhook URL is sent once the telephony status is changed?

Your answer is appreciated.


The problem is in API Explorer, unfortunately it doesn't work for Subscription API case. We've included the fix in the next release. Thank you for pointing this out.

Meanwhile is it possible for you to use our API directly? All you need is authorize and create subscription.
