I am using my credentials to send sms from the HubSpot workflows. It is working if I am the contact owner and when I am selecting other RingCentral users as contact owners, it is throwing the below error.
"message": "Phone number doesn't belong to extension",
Can you please let me know the quick fix since it is in production. I even searched in the developer forum, they didn't provide any solution for this as some people got the same error.
Note: Credentials used
-e RINGCENTRAL_SERVER_URL="https://platform.ringcentral.com"
-e RINGCENTRAL_USERNAME="used my company or direct number"
-e RINGCENTRAL_EXTENSION="used my extension"
-e RINGCENTRAL_PASSWORD="used my login pwd"
-e HUBSPOT_API_KEY="xxxxxxx"
Please let me know if there is way to send the sms from my application on behalf of other users in the company (as there will be multiple RingCentral users in production who use workflows to send sms)