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I have created subscription using webhook and i am getting response. i need call record Id in the response.

I have created subscription using webhook and i am getting response as below. i need to fetch call record for this Event how can i do? please help to get it resolved.


"uuid": "1343368781877007566-7030373935822630719",

"event": "/restapi/v1.0/account/129965004/extension/129965004/presence?detailedTelephonyState=true",

"timestamp": "2017-05-22T12:18:50.808Z",

"subscriptionId": "83efa9c0-710a-4b06-a9fd-949834c7f713",

"body": {

"extensionId": 139055004,

"telephonyStatus": "CallConnected",

"activeCalls": [


"id": "PDhBLpqFMHGWlHSsd5foXioTWJVzGT3e",

"direction": "Outbound",

"from": "+16603314970",

"to": "+19158701061",

"telephonyStatus": "CallConnected",

"sessionId": "19345726003"



"sequence": 542039,

"presenceStatus": "Busy",

"userStatus": "Available",

"dndStatus": "TakeAllCalls",

"allowSeeMyPresence": true,

"ringOnMonitoredCall": false,

"pickUpCallsOnHold": false



4 replies

  • Known Participant
  • 105 replies
  • May 26, 2017
You could use Call-Log API filtered by 'sessionId' to match the Presence events ( Push notifications ) when you receive using webhooks.

For ex: 

You could use the sessionID from the webhook push notifications above ( 19345726003 ) to make an API call to Call - Log endpoint as below:


GET /restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/~/call-log?sessionId=19345726003

Note: ( ~ ) tilde refers to the extension assigned to the account logged-in within the current session

If you would like to receive the account level call logs kindly use:

SessionID is ok, but for every notification type i am getting same session ID. what shall i do.

  • Known Participant
  • 105 replies
  • May 30, 2017
The sessionID remains same across the three events if it is for a specific call, for ex:

1.) Ringing
2.) Call Connected
3.) No Call 

For all the three notifications on a single call, you would receive the same sessionID for the push notifications.

May I know what is it that you are trying to achieve?

 I though session Id will be same for all calls. thank you i got it.


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