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I am trying to put my application on production but the "Apply for Production" button is disabled no matter what I am doing. I am only using the Ring-Out endpoint to add a dialer function to my application. I do have 5+ successful API calls to my endpoint. Moreover, the only error I got was 401 error which was because the access token expired and I handled it by using the refresh token to retrieve a new access token.

What is the app client id?

Just make a few more success API call. Error rate < 5%


BTW, is it meant to be a public app? The redirect URL is still a localhost:5000?

My application is a windows desktop app so I do need to redirect to localhost.

It is difficult to get the error rate under 5% because the access token does expire after X number of minutes. Whenever it expires, I have to make another 20 successful test calls before the token expires to keep the error rate down.
