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I'm trying to create a meeting with our sandbox account following this guide.

However, I receive this error "In order to call this API endpoint, user needs to have [Meetings] permission"

I found this issue where there meeting permissions weren't added to the user's sandbox account, is it possible this is the same issue? Is there a way for me to check / add perms to my sandbox account?


Unfortunately, the meeting endpoint is not supported on sandbox. See the note from this dev guide.

I don't see anything mentioning sandbox, but I do see:

"The Meetings API is not available to free developer accounts. In order to use this API, please sign-up for a paid RingCentral account, which can be made available on a free trial basis."

But I should already be on a paid account.

Can you request the back-end developer support to enable that into your account by submitting a support ticket?

By default it may not be available the meetings feature
