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I am using the MessageStore api to detect/retrieve inbound faxes.

I noticed that sometimes the fax attachment is not complete and when I look in the call log I see entries with Partial Receive and/or Receive Error as a result.

I don't see anything in the message store which corresponds to the result in call log.

What can I do to make sure that the inbound fax retrieved from the MessageStore did not have an error?

I saw a post regarding something similar which mentioned to use the Call Log api but how can I find the corresponding entry in the call log based on what is returned from the MessageStore?

The 2 endpoints, call-log and message-store have different purposes.

1. The call-log is for getting activities and status of voice and messaging including fax of extensions. It does not matter if a voice call or a fax was sent or received successfully, it always logs whatever happens to an extension.

2. The message-store is for getting SMS, voicemail, fax messages' metadata and the message itself. For inbound messages, the system saves the metadata and the message to the message store only after a message is received successfully. For outbound messages, the system saves the message metadata and the final status regardless of if the message was sent successfully or not. Message status can be one of these Queued, Sent, Delivered, DeliveryFailed, SendingFailed, Received.

I believe that the message Id of a message is identical between the call log and the message store content.

Call log response:

{"uri":".../call-log/...?view=Simple","id":"CpSiFh7qkee_DUA","sessionId":"12791151","startTime":"2019-12-09T19:20:36.456Z","duration":50,"type":"Fax","direction":"Inbound","action":"Incoming Fax","result":"Received","to":{"phoneNumber":"+1650513XXXX","extensionId":"1426275520"},"from":{"name":"CHICAGO      IL","phoneNumber":"+1312982XXXX","location":"Chicago, IL"},"message":{"uri":"","id":"1099870668021","type":"Fax"},...

Message store response:

{"uri":".../message-store?direction=Inbound&messageType=Fax&availability=Alive&dateFrom=2019-12-08T23:03:00.000Z&page=1&perPage=100","records":[{"uri":"","id":1099870668021, ...

You can see the ids are the same.

@Phong Vu can you please help me with issue ?


Sorry for the mistake. Yes, "Detailed"

That's weird. If you can, install the RingCentral JS SDK and run this Node JS code. It works reliably for me.

var SDK = require('ringcentral')


var rcsdk = new SDK({
var platform = rcsdk.platform();
username: "USERNAME",
password: "PASSWORD",
extension: "101"
.then(function(resp) {
platform.get('/account/~/call-log', {
dateFrom: "2019-12-18T03:00:00.000Z
direction: ['Inbound'],
view: "Detailed"
.then(function (resp)
for (var record of resp.json().records){
