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New to RingCentral. I am trying to create the app in the Getting Started link RingOut Quick Start ( . Running the 'node ringout.js' gives me the following output in my Windows console window:

Call placed. Call status: InProgress

However I am not receiving any calls. I have tried setting the 'from' and the 'to' to mobile numbers I have access to. But nothing seems to happen, I do not hear any calls going out/in. What am I doing wrong?

I have tried in both JavaScript as well as C#. Both have the status as InProgress, but no calls


Is this in your sandbox account? Can you make direct call to those phones? Do they ring and you can accept the call?

I added a user "User 2 Test" and 2 phone numbers to your sandbox account. Can you check your email (same email as the 101 extension and activate the second user. You can login the RC app with the 2 users on different browsers and try making test RingOut calls.

Thanks Phong Vu. I have now managed to get the code running and can see the call come up on the app. Thank you so much for your help in this.

How would I take this further? The idea is to have a 'call me' option on a website and have the customer click on it and be able to speak to the team. I can get the call, but don't know how to get the caller to be able to speak. Is there a guide/document on this you can send me please?
