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So unfortunately I'm stuck on PHP 5.2.3 and cannot upgrade, thus cannot use the official PHP SDK. I need examples of how to set up the FaxOut after obtaining a valid Access Token. Been stuck for the past 3 days.

I can show you how to do it with curl. You try to adjust it for PHP curl. 

--header "Accept: application/json"
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
-F "request=@request.json;type=application/json"
-F "attachment=@hello.txt;type=text/plain"

Content of request.json file:
"to": [{ "phoneNumber": <fax receiver> }]

Content of hello.txt:
<Whatever text you want to send.>

You can also send pdf:
-F "attachment=@test.pdf;type=application/pdf"

Been stuck for the past 3 days.
You should have asked for help earlier 🙂
But how do I translate that to PHP cURL lib?... such as using curl_init(), curl-setopt(), etc?

Ya, 1.5 days were stuck reading docs and the other 1.5 days were trying to implement things fruitlessly. 

Try out my PHP "Lite" SDK. It's a 1-file, 0-dependency library designed to support older PHP and uses cURL.

You can see a fax example using the SDK here:

You can see the SDK's cURL code here:

I don't have PHP 5.2.3, so let me know if it works for you.
Curl to PHP:

Update: I find that  it doesn't support '-F' at all, so ignore this one.
