When I try to set the outbound callerId property in the RequestBody and submit the request, nothing happens. The call does not even initiate the first leg of the call. If I remove it, everything works fine. Here is how I am calling it using the Java SDK.
MakeRingOutCallerIdInfo ringOutCallId = new MakeRingOutCallerIdInfo();
ringOutCallId.phoneNumber = callerId;
// Set call body
GetRingOutStatusResponse response = null;
// setup the parameters for the API call
MakeRingOutRequest requestBody = new MakeRingOutRequest();
requestBody.from(new MakeRingOutCallerInfoRequestFrom().phoneNumber(from = from.substring(0,2).contains("+1") ? from : "+1"+from));
requestBody.to(new MakeRingOutCallerInfoRequestTo().phoneNumber(to = to.substring(0,2).contains("+1") ? to : "+1"+to));
requestBody.callerId(new MakeRingOutCallerIdInfo().phoneNumber(callerId = callerId.substring(0,2).contains("+1") ? callerId : "+1"+callerId));
requestBody.playPrompt = false;
// Make the call to Ring Central
response = restClient.restapi().account().extension().ringout().post(requestBody);