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tried to get message list from an extension by call: /restapi/v1.0/account/:accountId/extension/:extensionId/message-store

but it looks like returned 200 with 0 items as below response:

   "uri": "",
   "records": t],
   "paging": {
       "page": 1,
       "totalPages": 1,
       "perPage": 100,
       "totalElements": 0
   "navigation": {
       "firstPage": {
           "uri": ""
       "lastPage": {
           "uri": ""

I'm able to see and download all messages from Admin panel, but am not be able to do that via API. Is there any permission should I have?


Hi @Alex Wang From the response, it show that you have permission to access that, but result is empty with query params.

Can you check that:

1. If you request data from right extension id: "/restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/~/message-store" for current login extension user.
2. Try with "availability=Alive" removed
3. Try with longer dateFrom param
4. If you are requesting data in production environment. From the response, you are requesting data from production.

Thanks. got fixed
