Dante E (2/14/2019, 1:12:55 PM) joins the chat. after a few minutes, he asked a question and since I wasn't sure what he meant, I asked "What does that mean" and his response was "What school did you attend for sixth grade? " later he claimed that it was a security question. If this was a security question, I would say something like "before I can provide more information, I need to ask few security questions"... first of all, this was not part of the security questions. I take this as an insult. If Ring Central going to dominate this market, they need to build a better culture and focus on their core values. Ring central claims that their focus is "We drive progress, creativity, and accountability that create great outcomes for our customers."
This was definitely not the outcome I was expecting. My problem was not solved and I was rudely insulted. Shame on you Ring Central for having reps like this.
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