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I have the MVP product and am having issues with "After Call Wrap-up Time" set at the queue level. It is set to 3 Min, but I am getting reports that the queue users get no time before being placed back as available. To date this has never worked for them. They are placing themselves as DND as a workaround.

Is there a dependent setting somewhere I have not found. I have searched the downloadable manual, RC University and the Community. I don't see this issue being raised or addressed elsewhere.screenshot-2023-07-18-105520.jpg

I believe After call wrap-up time applies only to call queues. If your users are also receiving calls to their direct numbers it would still ring them. Would have to check the Reports > Call logs > Detailed view and confirm that is the case (or just ask them).

If your users are actually getting calls through the call queue during the wrap-up time, this would seem like a bug.
