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Anyone having issues with call monitoring the past few weeks? Nothing has changed on our end and we have correct permissions - we cannot monitor calls. It tells us we don't have permission when we do. It has never been perfect when it comes to monitoring but this is just horrific. Tech support has not been able to help after 3 un-successful calls.

Hi @Trish Litterer 275, please try to toggle your permission on and off because it might be a system glitch.

Hi Bruno!

Glad to hear we aren't alone. I agree about tech support! They finally determined it is a bug on their end and I just got an email stating it'll be resolved sometime in Q3 (outrageous). After 3 weeks and countless phone calls, screen sharing, and blaming us for not having everyone on the latest version, etc... It was wild. Worst tech support. I hope this helps even though it isn't the fix you were looking for 🙂 I am sure you can tell by my "tone" I am quite bitter. Best of luck!


Having same issue, please resolve RC!

Hi everyone, as stated above from Trish's screenshot. This issue has been identified and will be fixed in the next version that will be released this coming Q3.

Its January 2024 and we are still getting this error. Will this ever be fixed?
