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I have had this account and phone number for 7 years now and use this as my personal and primary line to call and text my clients. I have been using it for years.. I don't use it as a big campaign, or send out hundreds or thousands of messages at once. My clients have already agreed to talking to me with my outbound agents. Transitioning to using an opt-in will kill my responses from my clients with them thinking its a bot talking to them and not me. I will leave RingCentral if I have to use Opt-in and opt-out for this personal business line that I have been using for 7 years. Is there a way around this or am I misunderstanding this whole process?

Go to the 13:57 mark of this RingCentral TCR video -- It sounds like you do not need to use it

I"m in the same situation. I don't have an EIN number. I ported my number over so I can type my texts to communicate easier with clients. Do you have a resolution that's been given to uou on this?

Just to add a little context - opt-in (meaning consent to message the recipient) is required, but for conversational messages can be as simple as someone messaging you first, or requesting (verbally or in written form) to receive messages. You do not need written or logged consent for conversational messages, and you do not need to use opt-in keywords (where they text you a specific keyword to subscribe to messages from you).

Furthermore, all messages are treated as if they are being sent to an opted-in party. This means that there will be no difference in how you can use SMS or how your recipients receive messages from you. The only caveat here would be if there were spam or other complaints raised against you or your number regarding SMS.

I rarely, if ever, text customers from my office line and certainly would never spam anyone. Do I still need to register? Yes, I already have an EIN. However, in the future, should I decide to do outbound chatbot campaigns I would be required to register at that point? Should I register my brand at least just so they have contact information?

Hi Denny, I'm feeling your frustration. Small office here with less than 20 employees. We have patients and we only text them if they text us first. Now suddenly I have to opt them in? If they text me, I have to pay $20 a month to be able to reply to them? Nickel and diming us to death. I still don't understand if I have to Opt In text, or Opt Out text. We may just have to kill that feature.

I've searched back through my emails and was unable to locate any from RC that referenced the TCR requirement, I only learned about this pursuant to the issue with outbound SMS not currently working (which may or may not be related to the TCR?). My RC Rep and/or RC should have been bombarding me with warnings about this months ago. And while the current RC clarifications regarding what constitutes consent, etc., are appreciated, the guidance comes a bit late for many of us and was not adequately explained in the printed guidance online. In any event for those concerned because they don't currently have an EIN you can usually get one (almost always immediately) through the IRS Online EIN at no cost.

With everyone here. Just found this out this morning. Must be a few bad actors who have ruined it for us all - This reeks of some kind of regulation/law with "good intentions" but will just wind up costing small business money for the same service we used to receive. Like many, I simply receive messages.. The thought of having more nickel and diming on top of the $476/year of taxes and "administrative" fees my small business pays just makes me sick. Never ends - And our options are limited.

Hi All!

I have had Ring Central for about 2 years and and a 1 woman business (Travel Agency).

I only text as response to a client, or if they specifically ask me to correspond by text. Do I need to opt-in for this? I got as far as registering with my EIN and stopped when it mentioned campaigns (I do not do these) and also asked for payment... is this a one time fee, yearly, monthly, etc? SO confusing.

I have had issues with calls cutting off at the 2 hour mark, on top of Ring Central being $60 or whatever a month. If I have to pat more just to use the text feature, I will also reconsider.

Then the question is, how to continue using a number that ring central assigned? What a mess.....
